Worship Ministries

Many members of St. John’s play a significant role in our worship services and fellowship gatherings after our services.


Often younger members of our parish, acolytes blend into the background and help our liturgies flow smoothly. They carry the cross and candles, carry the vessels to the Lord’s Table, assist with Thank Offerings, and help to clear the altar after Communion.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a volunteer group whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the church. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards. Altar Guild members also supervise the decoration of the sanctuary of the parish with flowers.

Coffee Hour Hosts & Clean Up

Our church prides itself on creating a warm atmosphere where members and friends can connect. Coffee Hour hosts bring tasty treats to facilitate this connection and many hands make light work with both setup and clean up of Coffee Hour. All members are invited to contribute. Please click here to view our Sign Up Calendar or call the office at 808-878-1485. Please click here to view our Coffee Hour Guidelines. 

Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors

Eucharistic Ministers are lay persons who wear a robe and assist the Priest with the service by reading scripture, serving the chalice during communion, and in the absence of an Acolyte/Crucifer, process the cross in and out. Eucharistic Visitors are lay persons who have been trained and licensed to administer the Consecrated Elements at a Celebration of Holy Eucharist and may be authorized by Clergy members to deliver the Consecrated Elements to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, were unable to be present at the Celebration.


The friendly ushers welcome everyone attending the services and assist as needed.  Ushers are responsible for handing out the bulletin, ringing the bell, counting the number of people attending the service, lei for newcomers, assisting with the elements, offertory, and communion, and for tidying the church pews after the service.


St. John’s services are accompanied by our church choir members and a beautiful 11-stop Oberlinger pipe organ played by very talented musicians. We have special services with guest musicians and a choir. 


Readers are lay persons who read the First Reading of the Eucharist and do not wear a robe.