
All things come of thee Oh Lord, and of thine own have we given thee . . . AMEN

This is the prayer we often say when the offering is brought forward at the Eucharist. When we pray it we’re acknowledging that all we have comes from God.  And when we give, we’re actually giving not what is ours but what has been entrusted to our care. This prayer sums up what stewardship is.

Each year we have a “Stewardship Season” where we gather “Pledges” to help the Finance Committee, Vestry and Treasurer write a budget. 

What is Stewardship?

  • We are all caretakers or “stewards” of God’s creation. As Christian, we know that everything we have comes from God. Stewardship means thankfully returning to God a portion of what God has given us, in the form of our time, talent and treasure to the community we value.

What is a Pledge?

  • A pledge is an amount of money which a person or family promises in advance to contribute to the Church in the coming year. A pledge allows you to show your commitment to the work of our Church in a tangible way. Your pledge allows the church to budget accordingly and be good stewards non behalf of the congregation. It is a response to God for the material blessings of life.

Why should I Pledge?

  • Pledges allow the church to maintain its ministry, and the Finance Committee, Treasurer and Vestry to plan the Church’s budget by knowing how much Financial Support to expect in a given year from Parishioners.

Does everyone Pledge?

  • The majority of our Parishioners do Pledge, along with our Clergy. Our goal is for every member to show support for the work of the Church by Pledging.

Why is it important for me to be a member of a Church?

  • All people are a part of God’s Family. Membership at our Church allows you the opportunity to help make key decisions affecting the Church’s future.

What does the Church’s budget cover?

*Our Clergy *Administrative Staff & Expenses *Worship & Music *Housekeeping

*Church Property *Lay leadership & Christian Education *Evangelism & Fellowship

*Work Beyond the Church *Diocesan Assessment *Outreach *Designated Giving

Who supervises the budget?

  • The Finance Committee of the Vestry prepares the annual budget alongside the Treasurer, which must be reviewed and approved by the Vestry. The Vestry oversees expenditures throughout the year, and the treasurer submits monthly reports to the Vestry on all income and disbursements. Our endowment funds are managed by respected financial institutions under direction of the Finance Committee.

Are my contributions tax-deductible?

  • Your Pledge contributions are 100% tax deductible. You will receive a six month and annual statement of your giving.

What if I Pledge and I’m unable to fulfill my Pledge?

  • The Church recognizes that unforeseen problems do arise. To change a Pledge, simply notify the Treasurer or a member of the Finance Committee. Your Pledge is confidential! Your support of the Church should not place you in a difficult financial situation.

How do I make a Pledge?

  • Please contact the Church Office for a Pledge Card and simply fill it out and return it. You can pay the amount in whatever schedule is easiest for you- weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually (in one lump sum).

How much should I Pledge?

  • No one can tell you the right amount to Pledge. The Pledge amount that is right for you is whatever you feel reflects your thankfulness to God and your commitment to the Church, based on what you can afford. Many parishioners set a goal for proportional giving, such as the tithe, which they move closer towards year by year.

Please contact any member of the Finance Committee, Treasurer or Rector for information.